Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Welcome to Unit 21: Film Editing!

This unit will explore the purposes and techniques of editing for film and television and develop skills in different editing tools to produce a final, edited sequence.

A wide range of editing techniques and conventions have been developed to create meaning in film sequences. Such techniques are used to engage the viewer and keep their interest by following the action, moving the narrative forward, or eliciting an emotional response. In this unit, you will learn about the development of different editing purposes, conventions and techniques. You will explore how the pioneers of film editing have used editing techniques and how they have developed more sophisticated applications. You will develop skills in digital editing techniques and create a final, edited sequence for a specific purpose. The skills you will develop in this unit can be applied to edited sequences for a range of different purposes, and the sequence you produce for this unit can form part of a digital portfolio of work for progression to employment or higher education.

Learning aims 

In this unit you will:
A Understand the techniques and applications of editing for film and television
B Explore the use of editing tools, techniques and conventions for a specific purpose
C Create a digitally edited sequence for a specific purpose.

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